
时间:2023-05-24 14:01:36 分类:心得体会




fast food

fast food is becoming more and more popular in china, especially among children and teenagers. today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food. there are several reasons for its popularity. first, it is quick and convenient. go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. you can satisfy your hunger instantly. precious time won't be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the comfortable

environment of the fast food restaurant.

however, i think that fast food isn't healthy enough because it does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. doctors suggest that people should avoid eating too much fast food. although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-u p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs.


cet6六级级作文范文:how important is money ?金钱有多重要?

no one would argue , i think , that money is unimpor tant . there a re ce rtain things that human beings need — food , shelter , medical care and these things cost money . but if one has enough money to live on , to pay for the basic essentials of life , is it impor tant to have a lot more money than that ?will your life improve in propor tion to the amount of money that you have ?

well , there is no denying that money can buy a lot . maybe you do not need much money to pay for a simple shelter , but how about if you want a nice big apar tment in a nice neighbourhood , or if you want to buy a house ? in fact , people do get on each other’s ne rves if they are crowded together in a small kitchen , if a mar ried couple cannot but sha re a room with their parents , if childr en ar e not allowed to have a little privacy of their own .

mor eove r , it is nice to get a little pleasur e out of life, a little fun from time to time . unfor tunately , many of the fun things that you can do today cost money . in modern cities , for example , on any night , outstanding performers appear in night clu bs and on concer t stages . fur thermore , you can dine on foods f rom eve ry corne r of the wor ld in the restaur ants . so how can it be that many people in mode rn cities do not have fun ? simple, they do not have the money to take advantage of all these att ractions .

so , is money the road to happiness ? not r eally . la rge numbers of people work eve ry day , work over time, work weekends , and make a lot of money . are they happy ? no . they have no time to form or maintain friendship , no time to enjoy themselves .

sur ely everyone has thought at times ,“if only i had a lot of money , i would be the happiest person in the wor ld .”but it is impor tant to r emember that money is only a means to an end , not the end itself .


· int roduction

* money is impor tant

* is it import ant to have a lot more money ?

· with money we can do a lot of things which can’t be

done without money , e .g .

· is money the road to happiness ?

· money — a means to an end , not the end itself



本文是一篇议论文, 全文围绕“money is not everything ,but everything needs money”展开。作者的论点体现在“money is only a means to an end , not the end itself .”最后一句中。本文篇幅较长, 但思路并不复杂, 例证均邻近生活实际, 因此并不难写。这样的议论文适合于六级和考研水平。



shelt er n . 住??

medical car e 医疗

essentials of life 生活必需品

in propor tion to 成正比

get on each other’s nerves 大家都很伤脑筋

privacy n . 隐私

pe rformer n . 演员

how can it be that . . . ? 怎么能行呢?

take advantage of all these at tr action s 利用这一切可享受的东西

work ove rtime 加班

a mean s to an end , not the end itself 达到目的手段而本身并不是目的


北京大学于1898年成立,原名为京师大学堂(the imperial university of peking)。该大学的成立标志着中国近代史上高等教育的开始。在中国近代史上,它是进步思想的中心,对中国新文化运动、五四运动及其他重要事件的发生颇有影响。今天,国内不少高校排行榜将北京大学放入国内顶尖大学之列。该校重视教学和科学研究。为提高本科生教育和研究生教育质量、保持其领先研究机构的.地位,学校已做出很大努力。此外,学校尤以其校园环境及优美的中国传统建筑而闻名。


originally known as the imperial university ofpeking,peking university was established in1898.the establishment of the university markedthe beginning of higher education in china‘s modernhistory.in modern history of china,it was a center forprogressive thought and was influential in the birth of china’s new culture movement,themay fourth movement and many other significant events.today,peking university was placed bymany domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in china.the university laysemphasis on both teaching,and scientific research.it has made great efforts to improve theundergraduate and graduate education,and maintain its role as a leading research institution.in addition,the university is especially renowned for its campus environment and the beauty ofits traditional chinese architecture.

1.表示某事物的成立,需用被动语态:“原名京师大学堂”即最初的名字,可译为and its original name was…;也可与前面句子共用主语peking university,译为was originallyknown as…,但这两种处理方法都不如将其处理为过去分词短语originally known as…来得简洁地道。

2.注意第二句中“中国近代史”的译法,“近代史”通常译为modern history.“现代史”则译为contemporaryhistory.“标志着……的开始”可以套用mark the beginning of…句型表达。注意,不要一看到“标志”就翻译为symbolize,该词一般指“某事物的象征意义”,用于此不合适。

3.第三句中的“对……的发生颇有影响”的中心词是“有影响”(was influential),“对……的发生”表明产生影响的方面,用介词in.“发生”在此处强调的是状态,而不是动作,因此用in the birth of表达。


today is a special day, at seven o'clock today, i opened the door from datong to qingdao, before i heard that qingdao is particularly good, i went to see, we went to the night at twelve o'clock to taiyuan. the following are the same as the "

august 6, 20__ weather, sunny

at six o'clock in the morning we set out, and today a day away, at nine o'clock in the evening to qingdao, after dinner to go back to the hotel to sleep, we four a room. at night we four people excited to sleep all night. the following are the same as the "

august 7, 20__ weather, sunny

morning we went to the tv tower into the tv ride we held a opening ceremony, after 10 minutes we take the elevator to the top of the tower. one up to me shocked, how beautiful qingdao, where the building is so tall, and then look at the yellow sea endless, through south korea. we took a lot of photos on the tv tower. in the afternoon we came to the bottom of the world, a door to see the original fish, and then go ahead with a full length of more than 50 meters of crocodiles, there are huge crabs, and soon we came to shark specimens, there are many particularly long the shark, watching the shark we went to the seabed. after entering the tunnel i looked up and found a variety of fish swim in the water inside, there is a huge turtle, suddenly there is a shark from our head in the past, i am very happy today also saw the real shark the the following are the same as the "

august 8, 20__ to mention the weather, typhoon

come together this morning, our tour guide came to tell us that there are typhoons today, we can not go out. because today there are typhoons, morning we went to carrefour supermarket, where we bought a lot of things. today is a waste of a day, a waste of our valuable time. the following are the same as the "

august 9, 20__ weather, sunny

good weather today, the tour guide took me to the yellow sea side. we are very happy, i first ran down the sea. when the sea submerged my feet i felt the water was so cool. i grew up very much like the sea, i ran on the sidelines to buy a "understanding of the sea", i opened a few pages i read a particular pleasure. until i turn to page 19, see the sea is so ferocious, it has been swept away the number of people's lives. although it is so ruthless, but i still like it. the following are the same as the "

august 10, 20__ weather, sunny

our travel period to, and today to go, we are reluctant to leave qingdao. we went two days of the road, 12 evening we returned to the warm home.


memories of my mother

"long, long ago, there was an island in the distant sea,where lived a fairy who was said be able to make a child lovely and bright. one day, ..." as the story went on, mumps voice grew fainter and fainter, when she gently looked down at me.then a melodious song came into my ear as if music made by the angels flying in the faraway sky. gradually, moms smile dimmed, and her glittering eyes were just like the brightest stars on the dark blue curtain of night...

countless nights had passed in this way during my infancy. in my naive heart, mothers voice was deeper and softer than the nightingale. even now i still remember quite clearly that cradlesong she used to sing before i fell asleep. those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away.to me, mothers companionship was the most important thing in my childhood.

mother is an incurable romantic, passionately in love with life and with the mystery of the universe. she taught me to open up all the channels of my senses to touch and feel what lies all a round me, and discovered with me the beauty of nature, the joy,ecitement and mystery of the new and the unknown. she is quite at home in literature because of her active and imaginative mind. every new eperience, every new discovery concerning the world could delight her.

i went off to college, but mum is still always in my memory. i could hear her voice every time i fell short in anything.from breast to cradle to reassuring hug, mum has shared all the happiness and depression of mine. however, she never epressed herself. upon my entry into university, when she and father were going back home, she hurriedly turned back to run along, even without a look at me. i knew she dared not, for fear that tears should fall down in my presence. this separation would last nearly five months during which she could not see me. she was just trying to stop me from seeing her crying. i was refraining myself, too, because the long time living with her had made me an eact person like her. later, father told me she kept wiping her eyes on the bus to the railway station. i knew that, because i love you, mum, and you already knew that too.


i have been to this college two years.(多少年你自己定). after i came here, i found out the college life is quite different to what i imaged. teachers don not like the teachers in high school, they are more like to help us study than tell use what to study. the study in college is more difficult and more independce. we have much more free time than we have had in high school. in the free time, i will(中间加上你平常经常作的`活动) i have serveral good friends and roomates. we did not each other before we came here. now, we are part of each others life. we study together, talk about our dream and share our life together.


dear john,

i am eagerly looking forward to your visit to our city. after all these years of writing to each other, i can not wait to see you. however, i regret to inform you that i will not be able to meet you at the airport on time.

the reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest i can reach the airport will be about an hour after you land. will you please wait for me in the arrival lounge? you can have breakfast while you wait.

by the way, as we have never met i must tell you home to identify me: i am of 165cm tall and have a long hair. in addition, i will wear a white skirt and carry a china daily at hand.

hope we can meet soon.

sincerely yours,



getting to know the world outside the campus

apart from acquiring book knowledge, university students should also a have social knowledge. without social awareness they can not be useful talents qualified fur social needs. therefore, it is necessary fur them to know society.

to acquire social knowledge, students should get close to society. there are many ways for students to approach society, but generally they can be listed as follows. first, they can conduct a survey of society in summer or winter holidays by going to the factory or the countryside. besides, they can do part-time work in society. most important of all, they can know the world outside the campus through mass media such as newspaper, tv, broadcast and even internet.

as to me, i consider it most convenient and effhctive to know society by watching tv. i also find it beneficial to do part-time work because through the work i get in touch with people from all walks of life.








