
时间:2023-08-20 17:01:36 分类:心得体会




write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) state your point of view.

you should write on answer sheet 2.

as is depicted in the picture, compared to the situation in the past, nowadays the total wealth that mankind possesses conspicuously surpasses that of any time in history. what is more striking is that most of the wealth concentrates in the hands of a small bunch of people.

it is quite obvious that the artist wishes to set us thinking about the disparity between the rich and the poor in today’s world. on the one hand, it is staggering for us to find in the annual list of the “world's wealthiest people” by forbes magazine how the property of the rich keeps aggregating in an unbelievable scale. for instance, the fortune of bill gates certainly amounts to, or even exceeds, the annual gdp of an average developing country. on the other hand, the majority of humans have to struggle simply to make ends meet, not to mention those still suffer from hunger in the most less developed countries.

it is beyond doubt that the gross discrepancy of wealth distribution, though being a problem long existing in human society, is now developing to an extreme which may cause chaos. therefore, the whole world should take this problem into serious consideration. only through a systematic reform to achieve a more equal society can we prevent the problem from deteriorating.




surpass: v. 超过,超越,胜过

disparity: n. 不一致,不同,不等

staggering: adj. 惊人的

forbes magazine: 福布斯杂志

property: n. 财产

aggregate: v. 聚集,合计

amount to: 达到

exceed: v. 超过

make ends meet: 收支相抵

not to mention: 更不用说

discrepancy: n. 相差,差异,矛盾

chaos: n. 混乱

what is more striking is that…

it is quite obvious that the artiest wishes to set us thinking about…

it is beyond doubt that…


dear john,

i am li ming, your future roommate and a new arrival from china who is coming over here for further education. i am writing this letter to let you know about me and ask for some suggestions for my future life in america.

first, i am a quiet person so that your keeping silent would be highly appreciated. second, i like cooking and i wonder whether it is okay to you that i cook chinese dish at home, because the preparation for chinese cuisine may produce much smoke. third, i want to buy a car but i know nothing about traffic rules in america. would you please give me a lesson about traffic laws in us.

wish you reply soon.

yours sincerely,

li ming




(1)as is vividly portrayed in the drawingabove, 总体描述一句, whichseems to be interesting and ridiculous (形容词的`选择可以换用其他). however,

(2)the most striking feature that impresses me deeply isthat unbelievably, 具体描述.

(3)recent few years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题.

(4)obviously, its symbolicmeaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.


(1) to account for the above-mentionedphenomenon, (several reasons can contribute to it.) serious effects have beenput forward.

(2)to begin with,主题 not only does harm to our 可指人,社会,家庭,集体都可以 but also results in a frustrating life among young. in addition, itwould be no exaggeration to say that, in any period or in any conditions thatcan now be foreseen, 不好的现象 is utmost significance to us humans. last but not least, here is nodenying that due attention should beattached to this phenomenon. if we turn a blind eye to the problem, ourcommunity will go from bad to worse.


(1)it is, therefore, necessary that someeffective measures are supposed to be taken to prevent主题(不好的现象).

(2)for one thing, the relevant authorities should be sensible tostrengthen the enforcement of the laws to protect 好的现象.

(3)for another, it isdemanding for us to keep aware of the importance of saving somebody out of theevil hands of destruction.

(4)although the fight against it has still a longway to go, our efforts will eventually pay off.可选择后面一种说法 it is only when you attention to it that we can see a colorful andharmonious future better sooner or later.



(1)as is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述总体图画).

(2) i was profoundlyattracted by most striking feature that (图画重点信息).

(3)there is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyedshould be given deep consideration.


(1)as is symbolically revealed in the setof drawings indicates: that 主题is momentous and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds.

(2)undoubtedly, it is 主题(比如自信,合作,等等) that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirablein spite of difficulty, that makes us still full of energy to face the comingchallenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for the comingsuccess. (3)if we don not 主题sincerely, we will live a depressing life and feel loss of hopeabout the future. 以下优点可以根据文章的篇幅适度增加.

(4)as far as i am concerned, there are several advantages that canbe given as below. to begin with, nothing is more beneficial than 主题 to overcome our defects andimprove our efficiency. (5)what’s more, no issue is as good as 主题 to make our life more colorful and energetic. (6)only bycooperating with other people can you put your capacities into full play andcan you be the winner in the society.


(1)from what have been discussed above, itgoes without saying that doing things whether great or small there are more orless difficulties, it is much better for one to involve yourself into a 主题.

(2)it is therefore, necessarythat some effective measures are taken to make ourselves more efficient.

(3)the most important element is that we should popularize the spirit if 主题and bear in mind the spirit of aand puts it into practice whenever and wherever. only when you pay attention toit can you make it better sooner or later.











a friend of yours has received some money andplans to use all of it either

to go on a vacation

to buy a car.

your friend has asked you for advice. compareyour friend’s two choices and explain which oneyou think your friend should choose. usespecific reasons and details to support yourchoice.

model essay(范文):

trying to decide how to use your money is always tough. should you use your money to buy acar or go on a vacation? both afford lasting pleasure, but of a very different kind. from avacation you get the pleasure of doing wonderful things and of totally relaxing and enjoyingyourself. the memories you bring home with you can give you that same pleasure again everytime you think of them.

a car also gives you pleasure, every time you drive it. there’s the pleasure of not having todepend on public transportation. you can go places off the beaten track, where publictransportation doesn’t go. there is also the pleasure of being independent. you are able togo anywhere your car can take you, without depending on others.

a vacation gives you the opportunity to learn new things and meet new and interestingpeople. however, it’s only for a short period of time. a car gives you the same opportunities ona smaller level, but on a more regular basis. with a car, you can go someplace new everyweekend. you can also join a car pool. that way you can share travel expenses with the newpeople you meet.

some people might say that spending your money on a vacation instead of on a car is beingimpractical. but nothing is as satisfying as a really good vacation. it’s mentally and physicallyhealthy. it gives you a chance to get away from all that is familiar to you and see the world froma new perspective. it lets you do nothing but play, the way you did when you were a child.being able to play, even for a short period of time, is absolutely necessary for everyone’smental health. i would choose the vacation, because we all deserve to indulge ourselvessometime.








