for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic do we need “never give up”? you should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in chinese:
it is widely accepted that “never give up”, a strong and positive life attitude, is the key for individual success on the grounds that permanent persistence may boost our confidence, strengthen our will, and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship. however, others argue that sensible abandonment is more precious than blind persistence because the wise one should choose the most suitable area for him-self/herself.
in my opinion, we need to learn to give up timely. the most immediate reason is that we should adjust our aim carefully in order to go ahead continuously. sometimes, to give up those unrealistic targets is essential for success. besides, the attitude “never give up” exhausts us both mentally and physically. only through learning to give up can we lead a pleasant and relaxing life. finally, the temporary comprise means a new start, a beginning bringing new hopes, expectations and opportunities for us.
passive as giving up sounds alike, it represents a more mature and realistic mentality. if those opposing this attitude can take into consideration of its benefits, then this may seem acceptable in our lives.
some 20-somethings ,supposed to dedicate themselves to studies, are in hot pursuit of fashion. the craze to vie with each other is prevalent in colleges and universities. undoubtedly, they have every reason to reverse the trend.
students should concentrate themselves exclusively on studies, which should be on the top of their agenda. holding the right concept of value makes sense. to earn an impressive academic performance, we college students must pour determined efforts into study and pay no attention to vogue .
keeping up with the jones results in the unavoidable distraction from studies. and college students are vulnerable to business promotional campaign. they are heavily targeted by ads. we should compete with our peers for better scholarly achievement instead of more expensive items.
wechat is very popular nowadays,even the foreigners are crazy about this communicative tool. the functions of wechat are various,such as talking to friends and paying the bill.
one of the hottest functions is to send red packet. if people want to catch everybody' s attention in the group talk,sending a red packet works well. everybody is excited to share the money and they will feel lucky if they get the money.
this function brings happiness and i love it so much. sometimes when i hear the voice,i will open the phone and try to get the money as soon as possible. when i open the red packet, i will be very happy.
as a popular saying goes, knowledge is power. with our country developing fast, the importance of knowledge is becoming more and more obvious to us all.
in the very first place, with knowledge, one can easily find jobs. it is often said that we are entering a new age of information, and knowledge plays a key role in this age. for example, if one wants to work in it field, one needs to improve his knowledge constantly. what' s more, knowledgeable people can get quick promotion in their work. as is often the case, a person in charge of an organization is the one who has most knowledge. in addition, more knowledge is also needed to make our life rich and fulfilled.
accordingly, we must try hard to acquire as much knowledge as we can. luckily, a lot of means may enable us to do so. among other things, web proves the best and fastest way to get information.
英语四级优秀作文范文汇总(19)drections: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: campus life. you should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below in chinese:1.有的大学生认为大学生活是丰富多彩,充实的2.有的大学生对校园生活不满意3.你理想中的大学生活是什么样的?谈谈你的感受campus lifeearly in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. now the dream has come true. but how do we college students like our campus life?certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. in their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. the only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.as to me, college life is ideal if only i have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the internet.
一天早晨,我忽然发现月季花茎上绽出4个小小的花蕾,花蕾穿着一件绿色的外衣。又过了几天,花蕾顶破了外衣,露出粉色的花瓣。一开始,最外层的花瓣向外伸展,而里边的几层花瓣还紧紧地合拢在一起,渐渐地,层层舒展,整朵月季终于绽开了。花是粉色的,像一个穿着粉红色衣裙的少女。绿叶红花被明光一照,又像一只粉蝴蝶在微风中扑打翅膀,翩翩起舞。我把鼻子靠近花朵,扑鼻的清香迎面而来,再仔细一嗅,花香里还透着一股蜜一样的甜味。 【点评】小作者用拟人手法描写月季花的外形,让人感到亲切。以蝴蝶来比喻月季花,表现出花在风中的动感。
今天我看了一部非常有趣的电影,它的名字叫做《乌龟也上网》。也许你们会感觉到很奇怪吧,不过的的确确有一只会上网的乌龟,它叫佳佳龟,它不仅会上网谈话,还会在谈话的时候叫你许多做人的道理和许多社会知识,这部电影使我有很多的收获。 这部电影说了一个这样的故事:主人公王府井同学意外的得到了一直神龟,它叫做佳佳龟,更有趣的是它还告诉王府井一个咒语:“好玩佳佳龟,一分钟跑,一分钟飞,一分钟打瞌睡”。只要念动这句咒语,就能实现一个三分钟的愿望,同时佳佳龟也在计分表上计分。愿望虽然实现了,可是每次得到的都是零分,直到后来他经常帮助别人,用自己善良的心换来了意想不到的分数,分数及格后,佳佳龟答应王府井和他的同学来看未来时,天上忽然掉下一只只溜冰鞋,正当大家不明白的时候,佳佳龟开始说:“所有人都不会知道自己的未来,自己的未来要靠自己一步一个脚印,脚踏实地的去努力,才能创造出美好的未来。
这只小乌龟大约有碗口那么大,背部隆起,呈椭圆形,像一辆“小坦克”。坚硬的龟壳上,刻着美丽的文字。底面是一块黄里夹着黑纹路的底板。由于长年累月在水泥地上、石砖地上爬行,尾部已磨损成一块薄片了,就像拖鞋底一样。它有一个三角形的头,一双凸出的亮晶晶的眼睛,四只脚爪子,每个脚趾都有锋利的爪子,稍微向里弯着。 【点评】作者运用非常贴切的比喻刻画出小乌龟的外形特点,乌龟的整体形状像一个小坦克,那薄薄的尾部像托鞋底,这些比喻都非常形象逼真。
当光明划破灰暗的尘埃,彩虹般旋旎的风光绽放出伟大的乐章,来自天堂阶梯的童声沉寂在复苏的沼泽,当黑夜冲破所有的铚锆,奔向蔚蓝的长穷,那令人人感动的力量,回旋,飘离在人世间最温暖的色泽中。 马修篇:我是马修,一个失败的音乐家,我带着我用心创作的音符,来到了这个狭小而阴冷的学校--池塘之底。那些本应在鲜花和掌声中成长的孩子,在这里用锐利的目关,残忍的恶作剧收拾他们所有他们要报复的人,他们在痛斥社会,在不满生存中曲折,他们的心灵在腐化,在扭曲,这里如同一个深渊,有着让人窒息的恐怖,这里是坏孩子的看守所,校长总拿至高无尚权威去痛斥或惩罚这些孩子,当校长的愤怒爆发,每个人都可能会遭殃,包括我在内,因为我从即日起将成为他们的老师。当我走进教室,我被这场面所震惊,他们是一个个不安分的狮子,有的在咆哮,有的在打闹,有的则慵懒的睡觉,我一不留神,被杂物所绊倒,我的公文包在这时被孩子抢夺,哎,看得出来,这不但是帮淘气的小鬼同时也是难以对付的,但我并不放弃,因为我懂,他们不是生来的胚子,他们是一群无助而寂寞的孩子,我决定教他们音乐,用动人的音韵教会他们成长,用爱的真谛去感动他们内心的春天,因为我相信,音乐是令人向往的,音乐是净化人心的,我发现了他们的好音质,即使会走音,但我看出他们的用心是无可替代的,每一个孩子在这时刻,多么像一个精灵舞动着那轻薄如翼的翅膀,这时,我发现了他,一个音乐的奇迹。 莫杭治篇:我是莫杭治,哈,一个坏小孩,坏到令母亲绝望,坏到自己都无法承受,我偷窃捣乱,被私立学校开除,我拥有天使的脸蛋,可是我的内心是躁动的,我讨厌被人抛弃的'感觉,就像母亲把我留在这里,虽然,我知道她是不情愿的,这里的空气令我作呕,这里晦暗令我害怕,我希望可以逃离着悬崖,就像我希望光明会划破黎明的面纱,这希望扎下种子,直到这个老师复苏了我所有温暖的记忆,马修--这个特别的导师,他使我的生命散发了异彩,使我有了快乐的感觉,我加入了合唱团,我优质的嗓音以我对音乐的灵感,让我散出了夺目的芬香。 马修篇:我的合唱团,出现了灵动的色彩,莫行知那纯净,绵缓的声音,感动了我,在这里我寻求到了真实的音乐,孩子们个个都是神采奕奕,天使一般真挚的孩子,我相信,当他们被爱所唤醒,被他人所理解珍惜时,他们会安抚生命中的魔鬼,会变为纯洁美好的水晶,就像佩皮诺一般,他是个善良的孩子,他应该得到更多的爱,只是他是个孤儿,他不愿相信这个事实,他会单纯的以为父母在星期六会来接他,佩皮诺一直在等待,等待自己的愿望实现,这样一个可爱的孩子是令人怜惜的,我要保护他,如同自己的孩子一般去疼爱这里每一个小生命,因为他们是如此的孤单,需要我不眠的照顾。
画蛇添足 英语作文网收集整理 英语作文网 请用150个左右的单词把《画蛇添足》的寓言故事写出来,以便刊登在某英文刊物上“成语介绍”专栏上。故事大意: 从前,有三个人得到一壶酒。他们决定在地上画蛇,先画好的人就喝这壶酒。有一个先画好了,拿酒准备喝,见另两人还未画完,就说:“我还能给蛇添上脚呢!”但脚未画完,另一人已把蛇画好了,说:“蛇本来没有脚,你怎能给它添脚呢?酒该我喝了!”。 one day three men got a bottle of wine. but the wine was not enough for them three and each of them wanted to drink the wine alone. then they all agreed that they each would draw a snake on the ground and the one who first finished drawing would be given the wine. so they began to draw on the ground with sticks. it was not long before one of the three finished drawing his snake. he found the other two were still busy with their drawings. “how slow you are ! ”said he, “i can even add feet to my snake before you finish yours. ” he put down the bottle and began to add feet to his snake. but before he finished, another man took hold of the bottle and said, “i’ve finished. snakes have no feet, so yours is not a snake. ”with these words he drank up the wine. 画蛇添足 英语作文网收集整理 英语作文网 178
